Friday, September 10, 2010

Work Ethic

Just a brief comment on work ethic. I try to challenge myself daily to push harder, get more done, be more disciplined and push through more tasks or goals than the day before.

I have observed that by doing this, my level of action and discipline relative to most people is much higher. It's almost like working out in the gym to physically expand your limits and therefore increase what can be done or how many miles you can run daily. You may start out at half a mile but if you push yourself daily, in a few months you will end up at 3-4 miles.

Today's working society is too lax about work and their limitations of how hard they will push is tiny. Don't allow yourself to fall into this category.

Challenge yourself to increase your work ethic. Push yourself and you'll be amazed at what you are capable of.

- Make a daily agenda, tasks or actions that you must complete and push them all through with zero reasonableness

- Spend less time at lunch and wasting time daily so you can execute your tasks at hand

- Be disciplined about reading something productive daily to increase your knowledge

- Run daily or get some kind of physical exorcise to stay sharp

- When you feel that you are through your tasks, push a little harder to complete another few

If you truly master your own work ethic, you will guarantee your survival and success. Push yourself and you will be an absolute asset no matter where you work.

Think of any sports team or event. Winners have an unbelievable work ethic. This is the one factor that is a constant with any winner. Don't allow yourself to be just involved in the game, decide to win and then push yourself to grow into the type of person that has an incredibly high work ethic that plays to win. Do this and you will win.

I will warn you that it's actually very hard and quite difficult to pull off and very few people who read this blog will do it. That is actually part of the reason that winners win. There is very few people to actually compete with. Most are lazy. Decide against being lazy and step up your entire game so you can attain and have anything you want. The game of winning in life is actually very easy..... you just have to be willing to work your tail off!

- Robert Cornish
CEO, Richter10.2 Media Group

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