Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Contraction and Expansion

Just a note on how contraction relates to expansion and why contraction is neccessary. When you expand at a large level in a short amount of time after a lot of hard work, push through and ultimately attainment of the expansion goals you set out for, it's natural for some level of contraction to follow right after. It doesn't have to of course - there are ways to quickly stabalize and increase the expansion even further but don't get beat up by the contraction should it occur. Rather, use the time to evaluate what flaws or weaknesses the expansion helped reveal, define what the new expansion goals are, get the team re-organized and energized and put in systems and operations that help bolster the current level as well as allow for the new level you plan to expand to.

This constant ebb and flow of expansion and contraction continues while you grow. It's natural. There's no need to freak out about it. Just ensure that you organize behind all expansion to stabalize the growth and help contribute to new levels of expansion. Otherwise, the contraction will stick and the whole activity becomes a little shakey which hurts your momentum.

So use the contraction to quickly identify what needs to be addressed, address it, plan for new expansion and hit the ground hard to push the next major targets through to complete. You will find your contractions will become larger and larger to soon become bigger that your previous highest ever expansion levels. So as long as the overall stats in the area are trending up - just keep doing this over and over to handle both expansion and contraction accordingly.

- Robert Cornish
CEO, Richter10.2 Media Group

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