If you have ever experienced a sale that seems to come to a slow halt and moves into waiting mode.... it’s due to a consideration that has not been handled by the sales rep. In other words, the prospect has a concern that your product or service won’t handle their problem or some other concern about it that they aren’t telling you. So, you need to find out what those concerns or considerations are in order to handle them. The second you can get the prospect to tell you what they are, you can then move to sell and close the deal but up to that point, it’s basically dead in the water. Once handled, the cycle can go from something that was quickly becoming a future cycle or possibly never, to one that happens now. It’s a massive time saver. A great way to handle this is to email the prospect and ask them point blank, “is there any consideration or concern you have that I haven’t gone over with you that would prevent you from moving forward.... let me know so I can help...” Then once you have gotten the feedback, handle it with whatever is needed, a case study, client testimonial, video that really sells the product, phone call to walk them through the process etc. Hope this helps you with your sales!
- Robert Cornish
CEO, Richter10.2 Media Group
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