Monday, October 25, 2010

Adversity is Your Friend

In business and in life you are constantly faced with adversity. I think there are two ways to approach it. 1. succumb to it and let it beat you up and knock you around or 2. deal with it head on, grab it by the scruff of the neck and throw it around to overcome and benefit from it.

I realize that nobody would select option 1 but to be honest many people actually do allow option 1 to happen to them rather than take control and create option 2.

Adversity is your friend. It's there to challenge you. You can learn a lot from adversity and create better strategies and policies going forward. You'd be a fool not to. When adversity presents itself, the difference between hugely successful people and failures is the way they deal with problems and adversity. Successful people look at the angles, the benefits and the opportunities from it including how to prevent and avoid it in the future which ultimately makes them stronger.

Use adversity to get better, smarter and faster. Don't let it beat you up or slow your progress. It's a blessing in disguise. Learn and expand from it. Me personally, I typically take a little step back from it and look at what occurred and then analyze it from a distance, perhaps even take a run outside to think it over and then I come back to address it gun's blazing with a full throttle "bring it on" attitude! I wouldn't have it any other way.

- Robert Cornish
CEO, Richter10.2 Media Group

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