Thursday, January 13, 2011

What you did yesterday.... Doesn't matter

It's a tough fact to swallow for most but the truth is, what you did yesterday really doesn't matter in business. People sometimes have the tendency to try to justify today's lack of performance by using yesterday's actions or results. The reality is that businesses operate on the minute. Right now and in the future. What did you do today? What do you have lined up or planned for tomorrow?

My dad's business partner used to always say, "make a good deal today or execute a good idea today, don't wait for the perfect deal tomorrow because tomorrow never comes..." So the focus is on today. Don't use yesterday's success or results to get complacent today. Yesterday doesn't justify today's lack of performance. Judge yourself everyday. Push yourself to perform everyday. It's a daily discipline that will payoff big over time.

- Robert Cornish
CEO, Richter10.2 Media Group

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